
How does my financial life affect my independence? When should I invest and where? What is ESG? How can I make a positive difference in the world with my money? Do I need to think my relationship with debt?

finance / Miriam Suter /

How to build a strong financial plan

Budgeting overwhelms you? You'd actually like to invest and save, but the credit card bill is giving you a nasty stare? Don't worry. We're here to help.

finance / Miriam Suter /
finance / Céline Meier /

What Starting a Family Means for the Budget

Does a child really cost an average of a million? Budget advisor Andrea Schmid-Fischer clarifies which costs need to be considered when planning a family and provides savings tips for couples with children.

finance / Céline Meier /
finance / Samantha Taylor /

"When It Comes to Money, We Are Rarely Truly Rational"

For some, money is a source of stress; for others, it is a means to an end or a piece of freedom, and some prefer not to talk about it at all: money. Economic psychologist Anne Herrmann explains what shapes our relationship with money and how we can change our attitude.

finance / Samantha Taylor /
finance / Patrizia Laeri /

The XX Economy - the Pink Elephant in the Room!

It would be huge, strong and bigger than the economies of China and India combined: the XX economy or She-economy. This refers to the global female (shadow) economy, which is systematically kept small and goes largely unnoticed.

finance / Patrizia Laeri /
finance / Samantha Taylor /

Where are single people financially disadvantaged, Sylvia Locher?

Sylvia Locher is the president of Pro Single Switzerland. In our Money Talk, she explains the costs of living for single people and how they are financially disadvantaged by our system.

finance / Samantha Taylor /
finance / Fabienne Iff /

Emotional Spending: Buying Against Negative Feelings

Can you buy away bad feelings? With "Emotional Spending," you might at least try. This article explains the psychological processes behind it and offers alternatives to reaching for your wallet on a bad day.

finance / Fabienne Iff /
/ Patrizia Laeri /

Is the crypto industry hostile to men, Mathias Imbach?

The CEO of the first Swiss crypto bank does not consider himself part of the bro culture- yet there is only one woman on his executive board. He reveals to us whether he covers up his true age and what soft skills he teaches his daughter.

, finance / Patrizia Laeri /
finance / Patrizia Laeri /

Are you money-hungry, Gina Domanig?

The industry is considered opportunistic, money-hungry and male-dominated. Switzerland's best-known venture capitalist comes from a working-class family and goes through thick and thin with her start-ups. And even she is not taken seriously by banks and car salesmen.

finance / Patrizia Laeri /
finance / Patrizia Laeri /

How much does it cost to be a woman, Bea Knecht?

International Internet pioneer Bea Knecht talks about her millions and the cost of being a woman versus a man. The trans woman reveals how she was able to prove to men that her brain was not replaced during surgery and that she still has IT skills.

finance / Patrizia Laeri /
finance / Patrizia Laeri /

Mara Harvey: "In Switzerland, money is a bigger taboo than sex"

"It is never too early, nor too late, to take control of your financial future - and shape the financial future of your children." The Financial expert and author Mara Harvey has been advocating for years to make money a more accessible topic for young girls.

finance / Patrizia Laeri /
finance / Saadia Zahidi /

Gender parity is essential for economic recovery: These five investments will quicken the pace

There have recently been some setbacks on the road to gender parity. With consequences for the economy. In a guest article, Saadia Zahidi and Silja Baller from the World Economic Forum describe these consequences and how we as a society should work for equality.

finance / Saadia Zahidi, Silja Baller /
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