Do you finally want to tackle the topic of finances smartly, invest sensibly and sustainably and get holistic advice? Our independent financial advisors know the challenges of women's financial lives.

Your Personal Financial Consultation in Five Steps

1.  Ready, Set, Go!

You start by laying the foundation for your personal financial world: We analyze your wishes and needs. What matters are your life plan and your career history.

2. Wealth Check

Together with you, we go through all your financial items and not only manage your financial life effortlessly but also improve your financial situation with more clarity and organization in a meaningful and sustainable way.

3. Living in the Now

Every life phase is different. Whether you're planning a family, going through a separation, starting a business, inheriting, or preparing for retirement, we discuss your challenges and have the right solutions for you.

4. Securing Tomorrow

In the fourth step, we plan, invest, and prepare for your future in a meaningful way. The independent financial advisors filter out the best fees, strongest products, and top providers for you. Benefit from their extensive experience in financial markets, with ETFs, and sustainable investments.

5. Goal

You’ve made it! Now you can harness the positive power of capital. You are part of a fairer and more sustainable financial world.